Local Primary School Transition

To support the positive transition to secondary school Year 5 and 6 students from James Cook, Thomas Mitchell, Southern Cross, Mossgiel Park and Chalcot Lodge Primary Schools recently attended a transition day at Gleneagles Secondary College. 

The transition from primary to secondary school is a significant development milestone for students. This period of students’ lives provides various opportunities for growth as students adjust to changes in their personal, social, and educational environments. The transiton days provided students with the opportunity to attend classes to get a ‘taste’ of secondary school life.The students were supported by Gleneagles Secondary College's peer mentors (Year 7-9) who did an outstanding job at making sure students got a taste of what secondary school offers.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9 Peer Mentors

Aleksa Koncar

Madi Liedke

Amy Raffaele

Steven Gubic

Austin Yap

Nida Ali

Alex Losonti

Angelina Hurduban

Chelsea Batty

Jazibah Ahmad

Charlie Pasnin

Risha Lal

Bethany Hancock

Elliana Kozaris

Nathan Freeman

Maddie Harrington

Isobel Hendricks

Amelie Carmont

Meg Masson

Oscar Lindley

Sahar Naseri

Olivia Vargas

Jasrah Ahmed

Rameen Asad

Natalia Walter

Xandria Chan

Jovitha Mambally

Kim Giang

Lara Correia

Hailey May

Mili Bernstein

Aeisha Leatherby Alisha Alexes

Samantha Dababneh

Gunnu Hundal