Wearing the prescribed College uniform is compulsory at Gleneagles Secondary College. Students must wear their uniforms in accordance with the uniform policy.
We make no apology for having high expectations and enforcing the rules as set out by the College Council.
Students are expected to:
For detailed information about the College uniform expectations see our policies page which can be accessed via this policy link.
The College Council chooses the preferred uniform supplier using a competitive tender process that follows the DET protocols and procedures.
Families who are unable to access uniform items are encouraged to apply for support through State Schools Relief. State Schools Relief: 'work side by side with all Victorian primary, secondary, specialist and language schools to ensure that any students facing hardship have the necessary items they require for school.'
To apply for uniform and uniform vouchers via State Schools Relief simply phone the front office on 9708-1319 or click on the link and fill out the online form.
State Schools Relief Uniform Application Form
For other items such as stationery please contact the office directly on 9708-1319