The Gleneagles Careers Program enables students from any year level to access information and advice about Career Development, applying for Tertiary studies (University and TAFE), Apprenticeships and Traineeships and Employment opportunities.
The Careers Centre has a comprehensive careers library including a wide range of information about professional and trade careers, University and TAFE course guides and booklets, interstate and overseas Universities.
Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 attend Career Expos and Universities to assist with their pathway plan.
A personalised approach to Career Counselling is offered to all students. Students can also receive assistance with resume writing, job seeking and interview skills and training.
Students are encouraged to book face-to-face sessions with the Career Centre staff for support with:
To access support visit the Careers Centre (located in the Senior Centre) or email Careers Staff listed below:
Karen Sykes (Careers Coordinator) | |
Alenka Sabljak (Careers / Pathways / VM / VET / SWL) | |
Ally Cruickshank (Careers / Pathways / Yr 9/10 programs) | |
Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework | Australian Blueprint for Career Development | Career and course exploration with your child |